Our 16 peep art exhibit is coming together nicely now.
I’ve a diptych selected from the Seams of the Fog group and a collaborative work with fellow pod-mate, rachel.
Pulling it together from concept chat to reality is an interesting process. It’s a challenge to coordinate our collaboration, because we each have a different work/ travel schedule.
She’s a photographer and I’m a painter.
In the end, we decided to create a project using a found wood panel as our frame to work within, the link between our work being the water.
I can’t wait to see what happens here.
Hope u will find time Yo stop by our group exhibit for the opening reception, may 10th, 6-10pm at Avenue, 3361 mission street.
Or, our SF Design Week demo/ talk on June 9th at 6-10pm. There will be demo by Tisha on ikebana flower arrangement or silk screen techniques

Where you stop, where I begin

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