The #weaving my own #canvas project is done! Just removed 1 side of the nails by #stitching the edges in #plasticbags as well. Surprised at the sheen here. #sf #sfartist #painting #art #blog #foundobject #reuse #recycle #reduce

The #weaving my own #canvas project is done! Just removed 1 side of the nails by #stitching the edges in #plasticbags as well. Surprised at the sheen here. #sf #sfartist #painting #art #blog #foundobject #reuse #recycle #reduce

The weaving my own canvas project is done! Just removed 1 side of the nails by stitching the edges in plasticbags as well. Surprised at the sheen here. sf sfartist painting art blog foundobject reuse recycle reduce

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