Another #drawing for the #coloringbook project that has a counter part in #watercolor from #100daysofh2ocolorarabesque this past #summer. It feels a little like cheating but I just like it so much and thought maybe ppl would want to color it 169/ #the100dayproject #drawing365 #ink #pen #pigmamicron #blog #100daysofdrawing #100daysofdrawingarabesque

Another #drawing for the #coloringbook project that has a counter part in #watercolor from #100daysofh2ocolorarabesque this past #summer. It feels a little like cheating but I just like it so much and thought maybe ppl would want to color it 169/ #the100dayproject #drawing365 #ink #pen #pigmamicron #blog #100daysofdrawing #100daysofdrawingarabesque

Another drawing for the coloringbook project that has a counter part in watercolor from 100daysofh2ocolorarabesque this past summer. It feels a little like cheating but I just like it so much and thought maybe ppl would want to color it 169/ the100dayproject drawing365 ink pen pigmamicron blog 100daysofdrawing 100daysofdrawingarabesque

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