I thought to b more whimsical for the halfway point of this #coloringbook project, so #drawing 150/ #the100dayproject #100daysofdrawings #100daysofdrawingarabesque has a few hidden #treasures. #blog #SF #pigmamicron #inkart

I thought to b more whimsical for the halfway point of this #coloringbook project, so #drawing 150/ #the100dayproject #100daysofdrawings #100daysofdrawingarabesque has a few hidden #treasures. #blog #SF #pigmamicron #inkart

I thought to b more whimsical for the halfway point of this coloringbook project, so drawing 150/ the100dayproject 100daysofdrawings 100daysofdrawingarabesque has a few hidden treasures. blog SF pigmamicron inkart

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