Today's 43! It's gotta b small and portable cuz I'm in #hk. #100Daysofh2ocolorarabesque #inkonpaper #the100dayproject #blog a part of the #scroll #moleskine #book I'm working on. #arabesque #artoninstagram

Today’s 43! It’s gotta b small and portable cuz I’m in #hk. #100Daysofh2ocolorarabesque #inkonpaper #the100dayproject #blog a part of the #scroll #moleskine #book I’m working on. #arabesque #artoninstagram

Today’s 43! It’s gotta b small and portable cuz I’m in #hk. #100Daysofh2ocolorarabesque #inkonpaper #the100dayproject #blog a part of the #scroll #moleskine #book I’m working on. #arabesque #artoninstagram

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